22nd session of the UN Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review Second review of Bulgaria

Following the 22nd session of the UN Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review, held for Bulgaria on 7 May 2015 in Geneva, in September 2015 the Bulgarian government accepted to implement the folowing UN recommendations:

-          to adopt a law on the equal opportunities for women and men;

-         to continue its efforts in order to ensure the effective application of the UN Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women by fully applying the  legislation on gender-based violence, including the enforcement of effective punishments for perpetrators in accordance with CEDAW Committee recommendations;


-          to engage more actively in women rights protection against gender-based violence, including by means of information campaigns and special education for law enforcement authorities;

-          to provide for analyzing women’s rights infringement cases involving different forms of violence and the reasons for its frequent perpetration as well as the reasons for these cases not to be regularly reported;

-          to provide monitoring mechanisms of violence, including the sexual violence within the family;

-          to engage more actively in protecting women against domestic violence;

-          to lay down and apply definition for all forms of discrimination against women, direct and indirect.


The Shadow report of Gender Alternatives Foundation, presented at the 22nd UPR session, is available here:


In addition:
Database of UPR recommendations and voluntary pledges

The news from Ministry of Foreign Affairs