At the end of June 2018, a group of youth peers was invited to test the beta version of an online simulative game for prevention of sexual violence and harassment. The activity was one of the main activities under the CONVEY project -Counteracting Sexual Abuse and Harassment: Attracting Youths from Schools in Digital Education (Ref JUST / 2015 / RDAP / AG / SEXV / 8572), co-funded by the European Union, Program for Rights, Equality and Citizenship (01.09.2016 - 28.02.2019). The online game was presented to a group of 15 young people, aged 13-18, who had the honor to test first the two parts of the game.
For some, the game was harder than for others, but everyone was of the opinion that it was an innovative way to learn something new and certainly much more interesting rather than just read it in a textbook. The game itself aims to provide young people with knowledge and skills on important topics such as violence, sexual harassment, gender stereotypes. The children were excited that they could combine useful and educational information with something they love to do, exactly, to play games.