The BASE Final conference had the following agenda:

The BASE tools for child-friendly support in cases of sexual and GBV against migrants

The experience of Cultural Advisors/Community Advocates


for the development of inclusive migrant and refugee child-friendly support services in cases of sexual and gender-based violence

March 2021

Protocols of Cooperation were signed under the BASE project between the Gender Alternatives Foundation and State and Municipal institutions and organizations. The purpose of this Protocol of Cooperation is to encourage and support the cooperation among the signatory Parties for the development of inclusive migrant and refugee child-friendly support services in cases of sexual and gender-based violence under the relevant International, European and National legislation.

The project partners finished the White paper on migrant and refugee – child friendly support services in cases of sexual and gender-based violence.

The White paper outlines the problem of GBV which is very complex precisely because of the fact that it is happening in all aspects of everyday life and also in the family, which is the most sensitive cell of the society, and because of the specificity of the relations between the perpetrators and the victims who are (usually) family members.

The 5th Partnership meeting took place online on 23.02.2021 due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

The partners discussed the multi-agency cooperation and mutual learning envisaged under the initiative.

On 10.11.2020 The team of the Gender Alternatives Foundation held an online event to disseminate the results of the project "No Gaps - a transnational methodology for social and labor intervention with young women seeking asylum and refugees" (2018-2-ESO2-KA205-011654).

 The event brought together 23 representatives from local and national institutions working in the areas of equality between women and men, violence against women and direct work with the integration of vulnerable groups. These were experts from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski", Plovdiv Municipality, Social Assistance Directorates - Plovdiv, Asenovgrad, Karlovo, Stamboliyski, Hissarya and others.