Gender Alternatives Foundation was honoured to co-host the annual ASTRA Network Workshop in Plovdiv, Bulgaria!  On the 12-13.09.2015, 25 amazing women's rights advocates discussed current burning issues in Central and Eastern Europe region.

Participants represented non-government organizations working in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Poland and Russia! They shared their countries’ situation and policies regarding access to abortion, contraception, comprehensive sexuality education. Focus was laid on the organizations’ activities – services, campaigns, programs. The dialogue shaped the current status of activist organizations in the region, challenges and opportunities that organizations face. 

On 26.09.2015, in the city of Plovdiv, “Maritsa” hotel, a Conference was organized under the project THB: from exit to insertion, barriers and leverage/HOME/2013/ISEC/AG/THB/4000005340, co-funded by the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme of the European Union/, namely a Conference “Supporting victims of trafficking to have access to their rights: French and Bulgarian perspectives”.

   The activity was carried out within the project № 15-00-262 / 2014 - "Effective implementation of the Law on Protection against Domestic Violence", financially supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice.

   Beneficiary: Gender Alternatives Foundation

   The activity was carried out within the project № 15-00-262 / 2014 - "Effective implementation of the Law on Protection against Domestic Violence", financially supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice

Beneficiary: Gender Alternatives Foundation






Date and time: 27.5.2015

Location: 54 Hall, Paisii Hilendarski University - Plovdiv

Beneficiary: Gender Alternatives Foundation

Partner:Animus Association Foundation

Theme: Securing Effective Implementation of the Legislation for Protection the Rights of Domestic Violence Victims

Partner:Animus Association Foundation (

Theme: Securing Effective Implementation of the Legislation for Protection the Rights of Domestic Violence Victims