
Date and time: 29.04.2015 - 10.00 am

Location: Plovdiv BTA press center

Beneficiary: Gender Alternatives Foundation

Partner:Animus Association Foundation

Theme: Report on the activities and results achieved during the first 6th months of the implementation of project No.BG05/755 "Together – to ensure justice for vulnerable groups of people"

Partner:Animus Association Foundation (www.animusassociation.org)

Theme: Securing Effective Implementation of the Legislation for Protection the Rights of Domestic Violence Victims




On April 2015, research was finalized on cases of trafficking in human beings decided in the region of Plovdiv in the last 5 years.

The research has been conducted within the project “THB: from exit to insertion, barriers and leverage” (HOME/2013/ISEC/AG/THB/4000005340), implemented in France and Bulgaria by Amicale du Nid and Gender Alternatives.Foundation.

The research could be found here:











Date: 16-17.04.2015

Location: The Conference Hall of Real Hotel – Plovdiv, 2 Georgi Voyteh str.

Organization: Gender Alternatives Foundation


Partner:Animus Association Foundation (www.animusassociation.org)

Theme: Securing Effective Implementation of the Legislation for Protection the Rights of Domestic Violence Victims



Target Group:

Social workers from Social Assistance Directorate in Plovdiv, in particular from Social Protection Department and Social Services for People with Disabilities Department. Social workers from Social Assistance Directorates from other municipalities and a representative from Social Assistance Regional Directorate – Plovdiv.   











Date: 27.3.2015

Location: Hall 2 of Plovdiv Court of Appeals

Organization: Gender Alternatives Foundation

Partner:Animus Association Foundation (www.animusassociation.org)

Theme: Securing Effective Implementation of the Legislation for Protection the Rights of Domestic Violence Victims



Target Group:Students from the Law Faculty of University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”, judges, prosecutors, police officers, lawyers, social workers, psychologists and NGO representatives. 











Date: 20.2.2015

Location: Real Hotel Conference Hall – Plovdiv, 2 Georgi Voyteh str.

Organization: Gender Alternatives Foundation

Partner:Animus Association Foundation


Theme: Securing Effective Implementation of the Legislation for Protection the Rights of Domestic Violence Victims

Target Group:Judges, Prosecutors, Policemen, Lawyers, Social workers, Psychologists, NGO representatives from the region of Plovdiv (Plovdiv, Asenovgrad, Karlovo)