The WAVE network, established in 1994 as an informal platform of like-minded people. Since 2014 is a legal entity and an official network of organizations composed of European members working in the field of combating violence against women and children. The WAVE network aims to promote and strengthen human rights in general and to prevent violence against women and children in particular. It aims to establish gender equality by eliminating all forms of violence against women. WAVE is the only European network focused solely on eliminating violence against women and children.

     WAVE adheres to the goals of the United Nations, emphasizing the importance of working to end all forms of violence against women and children in public and private life in accordance with the Vienna Declaration, the Declaration on Violence against Women, the Beijing Platform for Action and all others. related documents.

    GA Foundation (Gender Alternatives Foundation) is an official member of the WAVE Network from 18.05.2020. Thank you for your trust, colleagues!

The BASE programme is a learning program that aims at:

  • Empowering migrant women as cultural advisors in procedures addressing gender-based violence against refugee/migrant girls.
  • Building the capacity of professionals to communicate and address the needs of migrant girls and their families.
  • Supporting inclusive support services and procedures, minimizing re-traumatisation of victims, thus contributing to the visibility of the phenomenon within migrant communities (facilitating disclosure and reporting) and its counteraction (through awareness-raising).

The No Gaps project aims at the creation of a transnational methodology for socio-labor intervention with young women asylum seekers and refugees. In the pursuit of this goal, the third partnership meeting was held on 27-28.02.2020 in Athens, Greece. Five EU organizations form the international consortium - Guarani NGO (ES), Solidaridad sin Fronteras (ES), KEK IEKEP (GR), BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH (AT), Gender Alternatives Foundation (BG)

Objectives of the Meeting      

   Days before the virus crisis conquered the world and Bulgaria, the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (ratified in 1981), known as CEDAW, completed the country's 8th monitoring cycle. The Gender Alternatives Foundation team once again participated in the procedure with its own report, which was presented at a committee meeting in February.

   State representatives are obliged to translate and distribute this report to all state institutions. The Gender Alternative Foundation is also working to translate the text so that it can reach more interested parties, and especially women, who, if they fail to fulfill their obligations under the Convention, have led to specific complaints to the UN Committee against Bulgaria.

   However, we are very impressed by the mistake that the CEDAW Committee Report begins with!

The team of the Gender Alternatives Foundation joins the welcoming words of the European Womn's Lobby President about the new Gender Equality Strategy of the European Commission issued on 05.03.2020.

Gwendoline Lefebvre, President of the European Women’s Lobby: “As President of the largest umbrella of women’s organisations in the EU, I would like to welcome the Gender Equality Strategy issued today by the European Commission. It is a great first step to accelerate progress on the rights of all women and girls throughout the EU. Now is time to turn words into action and to implement these new fresh commitments. The European Women’s Lobby will monitor closely whether the EC and EU Member States implements those promises. All women and girls in Europe are counting on our political leaders to protect them against sexism, exploitation, violence and all forms of discrimination and to offer them opportunities to fully enjoy their fundamental human rights.”

The strategy could be found here