GAF held two roundtables on 18th  and 19th of November in Plovdiv on the project: " BASE - Migrant and refugee child-friendly support services in cases of sexual and gender-based violence. The project is funded under the Rights, Equality & Citizenship Programme of the European Union. At the two roundtables were presented a specially developed “Cultural Advisor Curriculum” and the “Capacity building programme for professionals” and were discussed the appropriateness of contents and learning strategies in relation to target groups. The BASE Capacity Building Program is a learning tool to enhance the capacity of professionals working directly/indirectly with migrant communities and on cases of sexual violence and GBV against girls, to communicate with the survivors in a child-friendly and culturally aware way. Specifically, the BASE Capacity Building Programme aims to:

The Gender Alternatives Foundation team took part in innovative training on communication crises that are hitting us almost daily. Whether on an organizational or personal level, we are increasingly misunderstood by others. One of the things we can do is develop and exercise our 'resilient flexibility'. Undoubtedly, this is one of the popular soft skills that have become a must in today's interpersonal and inter-institutional communication.

Gender alternatives foundation had the honor to attend the Astra Network Annual Meeting 2019. On 17th and 18th of October ASTRA held its annual meeting in Warsaw, Poland. Astra members discussed the current threats to reproductive rights in Central and Eastern Europe and ways of moving forward and addressing these developments.

The No Gaps Project aims to create an integral and replicable methodology of intervention at European level for professionals working with young migrant women, asylum-seekers and refugees. The activities focus on increasing the capacities of professionals, working with vulnerable groups of women, to better understand their needs, facilitate their participation in society and increase their prospects for finding a decent employment. The access to professional training is a key to guarantee a successful integration.
The innovative No Gaps Database is especially designed to reflect the latest developments in the professional work with women asylum seekers and migrants. It aims at providing a comprehensive list of good practices, programs, policies, methodologies, pedagogical approaches and resources in:
• Social work intervention with women asylum seekers.
• Recognition of previous competences.
• Detection of needs and individualized itineraries.
• Promotion of social inclusion through volunteering and participation.

Professionals can find inspiration by identifying new approaches that have positive impact in the lives of women! One can access the database on the No Gaps website which is available in five European languages – English, German, Spanish, Greek and Bulgarian.
The project "No Gaps - Transnational methodology for socio-labor intervention with young women asylum seekers and refugees” (2018-2-ESO2-KA205-011654) is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European union. The duration of the project is 24 months /01.09.2018 - 31.08.2020/.
The partnership consortium consists of five EU organizations – Guarani NGO (ES), Solidaridad sin Fronteras (ES), KEK IEKEP (GR), BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH (AT), Gender Alternatives Foundation (BG).


Our project "Protecting the Rights of the Children" aims to create an innovative online platform for young people that, through visualized information, will clarify the rights of minors who are survivors of violence or those who are in conflict with the law. The platform will prepare them for the process of going through the so-called "Blue rooms" for interrogation and hearing of children.

We strive to put the rights of the child at the center and the responsibility of the state in guaranteeing them. The platform will visualize the work of the police, the court, the prosecutor's office and the social services in the stages of the interrogation, involving volunteer youth in order to ensure that the platform is adapted to the needs of the youth. Information will be prepared in a language understandable to children how they can participate in legal proceedings or directly - as a defendant, victim, witness, or indirectly - when decisions have an impact on their lives.

 The idea of the project is to create conditions to prevent the victimization and trauma of young people for life, by giving them knowledge of their rights in an understandable, tolerant and modern language.
The project is financed by Telus International Bulgaria.