- BASE  "ToT" - Trainer of Trainers Manual BG version - pdf

- Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategy

- BASE: National State of the Art Report - Migrant & refugee child-friendly support services in cases of sexual and gender-based violence

- Report on Good Practices for Youth Empowerment Strategies

- Women's Rights and Right Populism

- Short report Monitoring finalized cases May 2015

- Short report Monitoring pending THB cases May 2015

- Good practice guide on THB cases

- Good practice guide on THB BG

- Roma and trafficking in human beings

- Study on the public structures

- Table of indicators

- Short report on victim statements

Study on the public structures

 -Bulgaria UPR 2015 submission Final

- Plovdiv Call to Action

- World Respecting Childbirth Week: Do Not Disturb: I am in delivery!

 -  Mission Report April 2013

- Central and Eastern Europe Health Consultation Report


- V.K. vs. Bulgaria - Views of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women under article 7, paragraph 3, of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Bulgaria: Current Situation, Future Challenges and Priorities in the context of Global Consultations for the Post-2015 Development Framework.


GAF Consultative Centre

The Gender Alternatives Foundation (GAF) implements specialized programmes in help of people who have suffered domestic violence and multiple discrimination.
The services are free of charge and are provided by our team of qualified lawyers, psychologists and social workers in the GAF’s Counseling Centre in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
In the description below, you can find out more about our work time, as well as concise information about the provided services:

  • Psycho-social counseling – every working day from 10am to 2pm;

This programme is based on the method of “coordinated community response” which is characterized by short-term support according to the individual situations of the persons in need. At the same time it is closely coordinated with the capacities of the local authorities so that the person is spared time and effort in search for help. It is designed so as to provide alternatives for dealing with the problem of violence and thorough information is given about different institutions engaged in the fight against domestic violence.

  •  Legal counseling –every working day from 2pm to 5pm;

This type of service is essential element for support of the persons in need to undertake concrete actions for dealing with the problem of domestic violence and multiple discrimination. It provides the legal framework and the actions for legal protection which the individual has to undertake in case of domestic violence or discrimination. During this process, extensive information on human rights mechanisms - national, regional, and international - is provided.

  •  Job search consultancy – by appointment

Job search consultancy is an important element of the complex of social services needed for the successful realization on the labour market and integration of the persons who suffered domestic violence or discrimination. It reflects the dynamics happening on the labour market and other spheres of social life.

  •  Special married and couple counseling service – by appointment.

The program focuses on couples who experience tension in their relationship giving them the opportunity to improve the communication between them and to provide each partner with knowledge on the other one’s feelings and emotions.

  •  Special programme for perpetrators of domestic violence – by appointment only.

 This program is needed for the implementation of the measures under Art 5, Para 1, pt. 5 of the Bulgarian Law on Protection against Domestic Violence. It focuses on anger management and provides the perpetrators of domestic violence with behavioristic patterns for peaceful conflict resolution.

  •  Legal representation before local, national and international courts.

The GAF team supports cases of persons that are socially vulnerable, persons who have become victims of multiple discrimination, strategic litigation, which leads to change of the national legislation and eradication of gender stereotypes. The team also has the capacity to lead legal cases in front of international legal bodies such as European Court on Human Rights, CEDAW Committee and other institutions.

  •  Group sessions for survivors of violence - by appointment;
  • Program for children at risk: in partnership with "Phoenix" Centre for Psychological Consultation - by request;
  • Program for economic growth of women victims of violence: courses in English and computer literacy.

For more information on the program - see section Resource Centre.

4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
53, Rayko Daskalov str. (a.k.a. Dom Levski building), fl. 2, apt. 19A
Phone: 00359 32 26 07 08
Cell: 00359 879 26 01 01
e-mail: .
FaceBook: Gender Alternatives